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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 10-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • This journal is peer-reviewed, so please the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review must be followed.

Author Guidelines

Here are the author guidelines for Jurnal Telematika:

A. General Requirements

  1. The article must be submitted online via the journal website. The author must log in to submit the article.
  2. The article can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English.
  3. The article is authored by at least 2 (two) authors.
  4. The article must be 6 to 10 A4 pages long (210 x 297 mm), written using a given template, include pictures and tables, and not contain an appendix. It must also be written using Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx).
  5. The article body must be written in 2-column format, with 4.2mm (0.17”) spaces between each column, justify alignment, TNR font, size 10, 1.0-space. Page margin as follows: top = 19mm (0.75”); bottom = 43mm (1.69”); left = right = 14.32mm (0.56”).
  6. Pictures and tables must be placed in the center (centered alignment). Bigger pictures and tables could be stretched on both columns. Every table or picture that covers more than 1 column should be placed on the top or bottom of the page. Colored pictures are allowed and should be using Arabic numbering. The caption of the picture must be written in the following format: font TNR, size 8, centered alignment for 1-line caption, and justified alignment for multiline caption. The caption should be placed after the related picture.
  7. Mathematical equations must be written, numbered, and included with the information needed.
  8. Page numbers, header, and footer are not used. Every hypertext link and bookmark will be deleted. If the paper should refer to some email address or URL in the article, those links must be written in a standard font.

B. Templates

  • The author strongly suggests applying the template. The author needs to write down the content in the template. We provide templates in Indonesian and English.

C. Structure of the Article

  1. TITLE
    • The article's title should be as brief as possible without affecting the accuracy of its summary.
    • The title can be written in Bahasa Indonesian or English. The abstract and Keywords are also written in Bahasa Indonesian and English.
    • The maximum word count of the title is 12, and the conditions are Times New Roman font, size 20, single space, center alignment, and bold text. If the title is too long, the editor may change it without changing the meaning when the script is printed without the author's permission.
    • The title uses Bahasa Indonesia with Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (EYD). If there are words that use English, write them in italic format.
    • The author's name should be accompanied by the author's institutions, institutions' complete addresses, and email addresses, without any academic titles or job titles.
    • Since abstracts are usually presented independently of articles, they must be able to stand alone. A well-written abstract makes it easy for the reader to quickly and correctly understand the significant ideas of a document, determine whether it is relevant to their interests, and decide whether to study the material in its entirety. The purpose of the abstract should be made apparent, along with the recommended course of action and key findings and conclusions. It should be completely self-explanatory and educational.
    • While the main topic is written in Bahasa Indonesian or English, the abstract and keywords must be written in English, followed by Bahasa Indonesian.
    • The abstract should be 250 words or less.
    • The abstract must not include pictures or tables, justify alignment, TNR 9 font, bold, or single spaces.
    • The keyword list offers the flexibility to include 5 to 7 keywords that are utilized by indexing and abstracting services in addition to those that are already included in the title. Carefully selecting keywords is necessary to ensure that they accurately convey the article's idea and facilitate ease of finding it
    • A comma separates the keywords, justify alignment, TNR Font, size 9, and single space.
    • The introduction should include: (1) The context, issues, and supporting data for the research or study; (2) The state-of-the-art and relevant works, including a minimum of five relevant prior studies; and (3) The research position, gap, and differentiation, along with a description of the study's objectives.
    • The introduction should be written in 10 Times New Roman fonts.
    • The methodology includes research design and research procedures (in the form of pseudocode, algorithms, or other). It also explains the research chronologically. The case study, data sources (data collections) utilized, and methods for testing or obtaining data should then be described.
    • The methodology should be written in 10 Times New Roman fonts.
    • The part under "Result and Discussion" provides a thorough explanation of the research findings along with an in-depth discussion. Results can be shown in ways that are easy for the reader to understand, such as tables, graphs, and figures. Write this section methodically, following the guidelines provided by the methodology. In the discussion, be sure to credit your sources for any comparisons or analyses of how the results relate to earlier studies.
    • Result and Methodology should be written in 10 Times New Roman fonts.
    • The conclusion provides a statement that what is expected, as stated in the "Introduction" chapter, can ultimately result in the "Results and Discussion" chapter, so there is compatibility. Do not duplicate the abstract. The conclusion should contain results and discussion (findings), contributions, implications, and a description of the research's "lack of study." Then, there should be suggestions for further research.
    • The conclusion should be written in 10 Times New Roman fonts and paragraphs (not numbered).
    • Suggestionsare optional.
  7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (optional)
    • Acknowledgement should be written in 11 Times New Roman fonts.
    • It is better to organize the content in one paragraph.
    • Citations and references must be written using Mendeley with IEEE standards (see Reference Style Guide).
    • Reference should be written in 8 Times New Roman fonts.
    • References should be a minimum of 10 literature titles to be listed in the manuscript reference.
    • The most recent primary reference must be taken less than the last five years.
    • References contain 80% primary literature, such as scientific journals, proceedings, reports of research, and thesis, and 20% are secondary literature, such as books and scientific blogs or websites.
    • Wikipedia, personal blogs, and non-scientific websites are not allowed.
    • Citations should be formatted as follows: [1], [2], [3], ...

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

The entire manuscripts of Jurnal Telematika, both print and electronic format, are guaranteed of the authenticity by upholding the exclusive rights of Author. If there are duplicate publications, the manuscript will be removed by Editorial Board.