Publication Ethics

To maintain the quality of the manuscript and to prevent violation or plagiarism in the publishing process, the editorial board members establish the scientific ethic of publication of JABS. This regulation of ethics of publication is valid for writers/authors, editors, peer-reviewers, and editorial staff. The ethic of publication refers to the regulation settled by Majelis Profesor Riset (MPR) Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (2014).


Ethics of Writer

  1. Reporting; writers must give information about the process and result of the research to the editorial staff honestly, distinctly, and comprehensively, and also to keep the research data safe.
  2. Authenticity & Plagiarism; writers have to make sure that the manuscript sent to the editorial staff is authentic, self-written, based on the concept and idea of the writer's own, and not copying other's concept or idea. The writer is prohibited from changing the source name to another's name.
  3. Repetition Sending; writers must ensure the editorial staff, that the manuscript has never been sent to other publishers. When there is evidence of the redundancy of sending the manuscript to the other publisher, the manuscript will be declined by the editorial staff.
  4. Status of The Writer; writers need to inform the editorial staff that writers have a competence or qualification in librarianship. The manuscript has to be sent by the author to the editorial staff to make it easier to solve the mistakes in the publishing process if there are any.
  5. Error in Script Writing; writers must immediately inform the editorial staff when there is any mistake in writing the manuscript, either the reviewed or edited one. It can be the miswritten name, affiliation or company, quotation, and other typos that may lead to misunderstanding the substance of the manuscript. The writer must do revision on the manuscript as soon as possible when it occurs.
  6. Revealing Conflict of Interest; writers need to understand that the ethics of publication above are meant to make the writing and publishing process run well without any conflict of interest with other parties.


Ethics of Editor

  1. Publication Decision; editors need to make consideration of the research comprehensively, transparently, objectively, fairly, and wisely. This may determine the editor's decision, whether to accept or decline the manuscript. The editorial board members work as a team to make a selection.
  2. Publication Information; editors need to make sure that the script writing guideline, referred to the writers and other related parties, can be accessed on JABS explicitly, both on printed edition and online published edition.
  3. Peer-review Script Distribution; editors need to ensure the readiness of peer-reviewers, and review materials, as well as enlighten them about the rules for reviewing the manuscript.
  4. Objectivity and Neutrality; editors have to be objective, neutral, and honest in editing the manuscript without being racist or differentiating the writer's gender, community/group, and nationality.
  5. Confidentiality; editors must keep the information secured, especially regarding the writer's privacy and script distribution.
  6. Revealing Conflict of Interest; editors need to understand that the ethics of publication above are meant to make the process of script writing and publishing run well without any conflict of interest with other parties.


Ethics of Peer-Reviewers

  1. Objectivity and Neutrality; Peer reviewers need to be honest, objective, not biased, and independent, only stand for scientific justness. The script research has to be done professionally without being racist or differentiating the writer's gender, community/group, and nationality.
  2. Clarity of the References Source; Peer reviewers need to ensure the credibility of the reference or quotation source in the script. Error and mistakes found in writing the source need to be reported to the editorial staff for revision by the writer with a postscript from the peer-reviewer.
  3. Peer-Review Effectivity; the manuscript accepted by the editorial staff needs to be responded to within the 2 weeks of working period. Peer review may ask for additional work time by contacting the editorial secretariat.
  4. Revealing Conflict of Interest; peer-reviewers need to understand that the ethics of publication above are meant to make the process of script writing and publishing run well without any conflict of interest with other parties.


Ethics of Journal Editor

  1. Decision Taking; the journal manager or editorial board members need to enlighten the organization's mission and goal, especially the policy and decision of publishing a journal with no specific interest.
  2. Freedom; the journal manager needs to give the peer-reviewers and editors the freedom to make their conducive work situation as well as respecting the writer's privacy.
  3. Assurance and Promotion; the journal manager needs to ensure and protect the copyright, as well as to be transparent in managing the fund accepted by third parties. Moreover, the journal manager needs to publish and promote the publication to the public by giving assurance of the script's benefit.


Revealing Conflict of Interest; the journal manager needs to understand that the ethics of publication above are meant to make the process of script writing and publishing run well without any conflict of interest with other parties.