
  • Adelia Putri Ariansyah Harapan Bangsa Business School


This study aims to analyze the influence of brand popularity on buying interest in Baso Aci Akang, analyze the influence of celebrity endorser Arief Muhammad on buying interest in Baso Aci Akang, and analyze the influence of brand popularity and celebrity endorser Arief Muhammad on buying interest in Baso Aci Akang. The data collection method used is the questionnaire method. The variables in this study are brand popularity (X1), celebrity endorser (X2), and buying interest (Y). the sampling technique used is purposive sampling and the sample is 200 people. The data analysis used multiple linear regression, F test, and t test with the help of SPSS program. The results of the t test on the brand popularity (X1) on buying interest (Y) has a sig. value of 0,473 > 0,05, so brand popularity does not have a positive effect on buying interest (Y). The t test was then carried out to test the celebrity endorser variable (X2) on buying interest (Y). The result of this test is the sig. value of 0f 0,000 < 0,05, so celebrity endorser has a positive effect on buying interest in Baso Aci Akang. While in the F test the significance value is at 0,000 which means the value is certainly smaller than 0,05. Then it is stated that the variable of brand popularity and celebrity endorser together (simultaneously) has a positive influence on buying interest.

Author Biography

Adelia Putri Ariansyah, Harapan Bangsa Business School

Graduated from Management Department, especially in Marketing. Now I am working with Gistex as an Export Brand Marketing.


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